Last year I was introduced to network care, an alternative to traditional chiropractic care. Network Spinal Analysis uses simple touch to direct the processing of energy and information in your spine. It is an incredible tool to release tension and develop new strategies for how we store the energy in our bodies. The most effective part of the process for me was starting each entrainment session with being asked, "Is there anything you would like to share?" This in itself was therapeutic because it prompted my reflection on how my day and week had been. It guided me to be mindful of how I felt. Intentionally considering how I was impacted by my experiences, allowed me to connect and reconnect with myself throughout the week.

Depending on where we live throughout the United States or world we are settling into new routines. Remote, hybrid, or in-person learning is in full swing as children dive into a new school year and our professional roles are balancing out virtually or back in the office. Now is more important than ever to ask ourselves how our days and weeks are going.
I write this blog with compassion knowing life can feel heavy, overwhelming, and defeating; especially if we do not take a moment each day to check in with one another and ourselves. I encourage you to take a deep breath and ask yourself, "Is there anything you would like to share?" There is benefit in asking ourselves this question regardless if we say it out loud or to another person. The impact is being mindful of our experiences; how we navigate life, manage the challenges, and embrace the uncertainties.
I am grateful for how this pandemic has forced most of us globally to stop in our tracks, be thrown out of our norms, and to reflect on what matters most to us. The past seven months have been an exercise in mindfulness which can easily be forgotten or overlooked as we continue living our lives; going to school, working, and experiencing life. Taking the time to ask ourselves this simple question can help alleviate some of the stress as well as find opportunities for celebration.

Go a step further and ask your children, partner, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and the people you cross paths with throughout the day if there is anything they would like to share. We all deserve a safe space for reflection and connection; and the beauty is when we can create that space from within and for others through this process.
Please do not hesitate to comment, email, or message me. I am eager to hear from you and be a part of your reflection.